Past Events

Economics & markets - adapt to the new context

Economics & markets - adapt to the new context

During our Happy Hour on March 14, 2024. we had the opportunity to attend an enriching conference focused on the economy and markets, in a changing global context.

On the agenda:

  1. Current Economic Outlook: Inflation and Interest Rates - Understanding current dynamics and their implications.
  2. Economic Overview and Forecasts: GDP, Jobs and More - A dive into the key figures shaping our economy in this period of geopolitical tensions.
  3. Hedging Strategies: Currencies and Commodities - Understanding the behavior of currencies and commodities in a changing economic context; identifying and implementing effective strategies to protect against market uncertainties and take advantage of the opportunities it offers.

Benoit Marcoux shared information and observations, with a practical approach for a business manager, and will answer your questions.

Thank you to our Season Sponsor 

The photo wall of our event: